Section 18 of the new Waste Management Act came into effect on 5 May 2021. These regulations relate to extended producer responsibility (EPR) in terms of a number of industries and products, including the paper and plastics packaging industries.
As a supporter of the circular economy and the DFFE legislation, it is our responsibility to support and encourage registration with the DFFE and the relevant PRO’s.
Mpact has been contributing to EPR, indirectly on your behalf, by means of a voluntary levy, for a number of years and is an existing member of Packaging SA, Plastics SA and the following Producer Responsibility Organisations (PRO’s):
- Polyco (HDPE, LDPE, PP, PET, Vinyl, Polystyrene and Multi layers)
- Polystyrene Association of South Africa – Merged with Polyco
- Southern African Vinyls Association (SAVA) – Merged with Polyco
- VinylLoop (New vehicle for EPR, under SAVA) – Merged with Polyco
We look forward to participating with you in this process, furthering our investment in a circular economy and contributing to smarter, sustainable solutions.
For an ‘easy to read’ step-by-step process on what to do next, please refer to our EPR journey guide below or contact us on

Confused about what to do next?
Follow our three-step plan to help you progress on your journey to comply with EPR regulations
Step 1:
Determine if you are above the threshold
- You need to identify the item in each product class that you manufacture, convert, procure, consume and place in to the market (including imports of packaging* and packaged goods)
- You need to determine if you are above the threshold within that product class as stipulated in the Governent gazette, dated 5 May 2021
- If you manufacture or convert more than 10 tonnes of product, per annum, within your specified product class, then you are above the threshold and need to proceed to step 2
Step 2:
Register with the DFFE and with a PRO OR establish your own EPR scheme
- If you are above the threshold, you need to register:
- as a producer with the DFFE before 5 November 2021. Register HERE; and
- with the relevant PRO before 5 November
- Within the plastics packaging industry, you should register with one of the following multi substrate PRO’s:
- Should you wish to establish your own ERP scheme, visit the DFFE registration site
Step 3:
Ensure that your suppliers are registered
- You need to ensure that your suppliers are registered and EPR compliant
- You need to ensure that your suppliers include the EPR levy in their pricing to you and seek confirmation that same will be paid over to the relevant PRO, unless you decide to make alternative arrangements directly with your suppliers and the relevant PRO, for direct levy payments to the relevant PRO
*“packaging” means any material, container or wrapping or corrugated cases, used for the containment, transport, handling, protection, promotion, marketing or sale of any product or substance, which may be primary packaging, containing the actual product or secondary or tertiary packaging, typically containing products already packaged in primary packaging but excludes:
- Shipping containers used solely for the transportation of any consumer commodity in bulk to manufacturers, packers or processors or to wholesale or retail distributors thereof;
- Packaging made of timber and textile; and
- Plastic pallets and industrial bulk containers with a capacity exceeding 1000 litres
Don’t miss the 5 November 2021 deadline.
We are ready to help.
For more info, contact us on or view our webinar: