With EPR now in full swing, it’s time to take the plunge and make use of recycled content

As a supporter of the circular economy, Mpact Plastics and Mpact Versapak has been driving the use of recycled material for many years and continues to welcome the use of recycled content in the products that we produce for our customers.
To encourage the use of Recyclate, let’s eliminate some misperceptions and ensure that even less waste goes to South Africa’s landfill sites!
It is not visually appealing
Unlike the slight effect on the clarity of rPET, all other material grades* can achieve the same visual impact compared to its 100% virgin siblings.
Whilst Mpact Versapak’s focus is predominantly on rPET packaging for the fresh food market and agricultural markets, Mpact FMCG and Wadeville plants encourages their customers to manage the minor visual on-shelf variations in their clear packaging through the use of decorative elements, such as labels or colour additives. ”We encourage our brands to proudly take on the challenge of educating consumers about the positive cause they are supporting by purchasing a product that may look visually different to its competitors’.”
It compromises the quality of the pack
Quality is managed by the converter and not determined by the substrate. At Mpact Plastics and Mpact Versapak, we are SABS, BRC and FSSC certified and are subjected to several annual audits to ensure that the quality of our products is not compromised, regardless of the plastic grade or virgin-recyclate ratio.
It complicates the manufacturing process
Converting virgin material and recycled content follows the same manufacturing process. Additives for odour elimination or clarity may be required, depending on the material grade.
Being early adopters of converting recycled content and always working toward smart, sustainable solutions, we are at the forefront -ensuring that your transition to recycled content is a seamless journey.
It is expensive
Demand and supply affect the cost of recycled material. By participating in the recycling process, you are assisting in creating recycling streams which, in turn, will assist in creating economies of scale and critical mass. By designing for recyclability and making use of substrates where established recycling steams exists, you are also contributing towards creating economies of scale and critical mass, which will assist with the pricing of recycled content. Although the cost of manufacturing remains consistent regardless, it is our collective responsibility to encourage and develop recycling streams.
There’s not enough recycled material available
It is our collective responsibility to ensure recycled material, such as food grade rHDPE and rPP, become readily available by actively participating in establishing recycling streams. The more we participate in education, across the value chain, and the more we introduce recyclate into our packaging, the higher the demand for recyclate will become, thereby encouraging supply.

*refer to food grade rPET. Recyclate for alternative material grades converted by Mpact Plastics and Mpact Versapak is not approved for food application.